Types of information we collect

We currently collect and process the following information: 

How we get the information and why we have it

The information we process is provided to us directly by the child’s parent/carer by completing an online registration form for our club or holiday activities through links from our secured website to Google Forms.  

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the lawful bases we rely on for processing this information is the parent consent. Parents can remove their consent at any time after the end of the term by sending an email to 

What we do with the information we have

We use the information provided to us to notify the school with children registered in the clubs and to contact parents in case of emergency. A printed copy of the information provided is with the instructor for marking attendance during the session.

How we store information

All information is securely stored using an online drive accessed through SSL connection and password. We keep all printed information for the term, then dispose by shredding. Regarding the electronic format it will be kept on the secured online drive unless we have been notified not to keep the details, so they are safely deleted after the term.

Data sharing

We don’t share any information with a third party unless there is a legal requirement to do so.

Data breach

Our breach procedures ensure that we have safeguards and measures in place to identify, assess, investigate and report any personal data breach to school(s) and ICO within 24 hours via phone and/or email.

Data protection rights

Under data protection law, clients have rights including: 

Please contact us at if you wish to make a request. 

How to complain

Clients can complain to the ICO if they are unhappy with how we have used their data. 

The ICO’s Address:  

Information Commissioner’s Office 

Wycliffe House - Water Lane 

Wilmslow, Cheshire 

SK9 5AF 

ICO Helpline Number: 03031231113